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Welcome to the Global, Desert Origin, Asil Arabian Horse Registry

Benefits of a New Registry

This registry has been created to help breeders preserve and perpetuate the Pureblood Asil Arabian horse.  The Asil Arabian, the “pureblood source blood” has been dwindling in numbers throughout the World.  Current Registries operate under the WAHO definition of a purebred Arabian horse, and this has allowed “known non-Arabian blood” to be registered as Purebred.  The situation throughout the organizational structure of the Arabian horse world has unfortunately been corrupted by money and politics, most noticeable in the Arabian horse showrings.  Fads have also played a role, so much so that the Purebred Arabian horse no longer looks like the Asil Pureblood Arabians that founded this breed.  Bureaucracy and politics have led to the exclusion of valuable bloodlines from registration, especially in the realm of the Asil Arabian horses.  The numbers of Asil Arabians are too few, and the need too great for stewards of this breed to allow desert origin horses to slip through the cracks of time, undocumented.

The World Asil Arabian Registry is focused on the preservation and documentation of Asil Arabian horses worldwide. The aim is affordability and inclusiveness without extra blown out of proportion fees and requirements which do not serve to truly support breeders and owners according to the laws in place in their own countries.  We do not seek to mandate fees for the sake of monetary gain for the registry, yet we aim to provide a service benefitting the breeders and owners in documenting horses without bureaucracy and politics.  The Database we provide is capable of exhaustive research hosting strains, pedigree duplications, photos, video, and much more.  It is free to use for everyone and is customized for Asil horses only! 

To register horses, you must:
1. Enter the horses into the Database you wish to register. This is a free service available to you whether you choose to register the horses or not, you can still utilize the Database and we encourage you to do so.

2. Fill out a Registration Form for each horse you plan to register.  The form can be found here:  REGISTRATION FORM. Please note the required photos for the form.  You will need to provide one photo illustrating facial markings, and a photo of each side of the horse illustrating leg markings.  If the horse has other identifying markings, include photos of those as well.  Be sure the photos are clear as they will be placed on your final registration certificate as a means of identification.  If the photos are not acceptable, you will be contacted to provide additional photos.  We will be ready to print your registration certificate once you have provided acceptable photos for registration purposes and paid your Membership Fee and Registration Fee.

3. Email the form, the photos, and a copy of your current registration certificate to with the horse's name as the subject line. One horse per email, please.  Emails with multiple horses will be sent back.

4. Horses presenting registration papers from their country in their application packet will automatically be registered if found to be Asil Arabians.  If the horse does not have registration papers, the information provided, along with an exhaustive review will determine the eligibility of registration into this registry.  All horses found to be of reasonable heritage will be considered. DNA testing may be required at the owner's cost paid directly to the lab.

5. After the Registration Form and photos are confirmed, and you have indicated whether you a digital or printed certificate, you will receive an invoice via email.  When the invoice is paid, your registration papers will be sent to you.

The Fee Schedule for Memberships


Memberships are charged yearly.  The yearly fee is $10.00 USD. You must have a membership to register horses.  Once the membership is paid, you are only responsible for the cost of the certificate.  No membership is required for using the Database.  The Database is free to everyone.


The Fee Schedule for Registration Certificates, there are two options:


1.For $5.00 USD, a copy of your certificate can be emailed to you for you to print, OR


2. For $10.00 USD, your certificate can be printed on fine linen paper and be mailed to the address of your choosing.

© 2021 تحالف مربي أصيل العرب

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